๐๏ธ Line Chart & small multiple
Small multiple is a dataviz technique allowing to study several groups on the same figure. Repeating all groups but faded out adds some useful context to each section.
๐๏ธ Animated Bubble Chart
* Animated Bubble Chart using Python, Matplotlib, and Image Magick. Matplotlib is used to produce several images, Image Magick to concatenate them as a gif.
๐๏ธ Bubble Plot with Annotations
๐๏ธ Correlogram with Seaborn
This post aims to explain how to improve it. It is divided in 2 parts: how to custom the correlation observation (for each pair of numeric variable), and how to custom the distribution (diagonal of the matrix).
๐๏ธ Heatmap and Radial Barchart
Import libraries
๐๏ธ Histogram with Custom Style
A clean and insightful histogram produced by the french institute of statistics showing the salary distribution in the country.
๐๏ธ Line Chart with Labels at end
* A custom lineplot with annotations at the end of each line to explore the evolution of the Big Mac Index with Python and Matplotlib.
๐๏ธ Area Chart from the Economist
Mimicking the style of the Economist to get a clean area chart
๐๏ธ Ordered & Mirrored Barplot
This article explains how to reproduce a mirror barplot with annotations, individual observations, custom style and nice features.
๐๏ธ Scatterplot with Regression Fit
* A custom scatterplot with an overlayed regression fit and auto-positioned labels to explore the relationship between the Corruption Perceptions Index and Human Development Index
๐๏ธ Scatterplot with Labels & Text
* A custom scatterplot with auto-positioned labels to explore the palmerpenguins dataset made with Python and Matplotlib
๐๏ธ Stacked barchart
* A clean stacked barplot with nice color palette, some very clean inline labels, a powerful title and slick footer caption with logos.
๐๏ธ Table with Plottable
Project Overview
๐๏ธ Violin and Boxplot combination
* Allows the comparison of several groups with statistical test results on top